Friday, February 10, 2012

Received a call today from IV Infusion Home Therapy Nurse.  The transplant coordinator sent over a dosage prescription for IVIG therapy to be given as a pre-transplant therapy to reduce my PRA levels.  PRA is short for Positive Reactive Antigen (Antibodies).  High PRA levels make it very difficult to receive a transplant that will be successful.  Basically it means you will react (which is bad) to a high level of possible donors.  The IVIG therapy which is short for IntraVenous ImmunoGlobulin (sp), is given IV over a t w e l v e hour time frame.  YIKES!!! I thought 8 hours of diaysis at a time was difficult.  I cannot imagine having to sit in the chair for dialysis for 12 hours while getting IVIG at the same time and having the nurse sit and stare at me LOL.  I may need serious sedation for it.  I know my RLS could really kick in.  I must not borrow trouble though by thinking it will be difficult.  It may be weeks or months before they receive authorization to proceed.  Well.  I am off to go see my family doctor. 

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